Monday, August 25, 2014

First Days of College= Complete!

As y'all can tell by the title, I survived my first days of college classes! I mentioned in my previous post that my classes started on Wednesday the 20th, and they were awesome! Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays are my easiest days since I only have two classes! Tuesdays and Thursdays get the bulk with three classes. But really my classes aren't bad at all, I love them! For those of who who've asked these are the classes I am taking:
1. First Year Writing (basic GenEd class)
2. First Year Seminar on the Holocaust (another GenEd class) 
3. Foundations to Journalism
4. Intro to Audio and Video Production
5. Mass Media & Society- fun fact there's like 6 kids from Illinois in this class
My favorite class is probably going to be FYS. The course is on the Holocaust and how people try to deny it and we'll look at evidence and sources proving that you cannot deny the Holocaust. It should be a wild ride! For those of you who know me, you know that I love history so I'm super stoked for this class! 
But oddly enough I enjoy going to class. College is just so different than high school. The professors are laid back and tell it like it is. Granted I did have some pretty kick-ass teachers in high school, but it's college! So my classes have been going well, my professors are amazing, and so far I'm enjoying this. I probably should have written this post last week when I actually remembered everything that happened, but it's amazing how tired one can get in college. I think it's this heat that's going to kill me. Either that or walking everywhere in 98 Degree weather. And yes that was a 90s boy-band reference in case you were wondering. But seriously college is an amazing place. 
This weekend I also experienced what is known as the Nashville MTA (their bus service). So it's free with my student ID which is like a God-send because let me tell ya, not having a car sucks and being a broke college student sucks even more. So anyways I rode the bus for the first time all by myself on Saturday when I went to get my new MacBook Air, which by the way is amazing in itself but anyhow, I met the coolest bus driver. This guy is super nice and helped me get where I needed to be and what not. Yesterday I needed to go to WalMart so I figured out which buses I need to take and times and everything. Long story short, bus 17 never showed so I walked like half a mile in 90 degree weather to bus 21's stop. So luck be told, I get the same driver. He walks me through what I need to do and I get to the stop where I need to transfer. 
So this stop is kinda sketchy. It's at this weird intersection right outside of the city and it was just creepy. The bus was supposed to get there 3 minutes after I did. And did the bus come? No. I literally sat there for almost an hour before I got on bus 21. And thank God it was my new friend. I told him the other bus never came, no buses did as a matter of fact. He said he'd take care of it and was super nice about it. 
I finally got back to my dorm after 2 hours of wasting my life away and took a nap. It felt refreshing. 
Moral of this post: college is awesome, I made a new friend (well actually a few, but the bus driver is probably the funnier one:) ), and never trust public transportation. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Hardest Goodbye

This is it guys, I have complete and total freedom, well for the most part that is. This afternoon I said goodbye to my parents and Kyle. And man was it a lot harder than I anticipated. I knew that it would be a challenge seeing as how I've lived with them for the past 18 1/2 years and all, but it sank in that I will, in a sense, be completely alone. Sure I have a roommate and friends and what not, but it's not the same as having your family with you or even living in a house and not a dorm-room that reminds you of Orange is the New Black. Seriously white, concrete walls? Who came up with that bright idea?
When you live with your family for that long, you're used to having a schedule-like life. There's a curfew, your parents expect to know where you are and who you're with, they'll engrave into your brain not to do drugs or drink, etc. But now: no curfew, few people care where you are, but oh does Belmont engrave into you that drugs and alcohol are bad. And no I'm not mocking them or anything. I just got back from a 2 and a half hour lecture/seminar on the effects of drugs/alcohol and how they're bad and banned from the campus. I also learned some interesting facts on sexual assault. Apparently alcohol is the #1 drug used in sexual assault crimes in case you were wondering. The seminar was pretty informative, but I love that Belmont bans alcohol and drugs. Now there's no pressure, and little risk of rape happening. 
Okay but back to the goodbye. I knew it had to happen, obviously my family wasn't moving onto campus with me, but still it sucks that I'll be far from them. I knew what I was getting myself into when I applied to Belmont and even when I committed. But I didn't really realize what I was leaving behind at home. All my family, friends, co-workers, and everybody else. 
I have to say though, I was proud of my mom. She wasn't as emotional as I was intending. I'm pretty sure my dad was more upset than she was, which is hugely shocking for anyone that knows my mom. Then there's Kyle who hugged me goodbye and was probably planning on tearing my bedroom wall the second he gets home. 
But for the past 18 years my parents have worked their butts off raising me, and preparing me for this moment. And here I am. At Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee preparing myself for the start of classes on Wednesday. Ironically Wednesday is also my mom's birthday, even more ironic is I also started high school on her birthday. I think the calendar was designed to make my mom cry. 
I know regardless of how sad my parents are that I'm gone, they're super proud of how far I've come in life. And so am I. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

All Moved In

This is my first "official" blog post from my dorm room. Honestly this feels so surreal guys. I feel like just yesterday I was starting my freshman year of high school, but I'm starting college. Looks like it's back to the bottom of the food chain for this girl. 
But seriously I am sitting in my dorm room, DORM ROOM. After being on the road at 3 am this morning and a long 8ish hour car ride, we finally arrived in Nashville. We drove around for a bit until we needed to be on campus at 1 PM sharp. Let me tell you guys something, the way you are greeted by upperclassmen is outstanding and awesome and just makes you proud to be a Bruin. So my mom pulled the van up and there's all these students cheering and so some guy asked me for my name when I opened my door so naturally I was like "Katelyn" and then all of a sudden everyone started cheering for me and legitimately it brought tears to me eyes. I think right then and there it finally hit me that I left home. But the greatest part is that all the students carry EVERYTHING you brought and bring it too your room, which is amazing. Because honestly I packed a lot and walking up stairs carrying all of that stuff does not sound appealing to me. So I checked in and got my keys and student ID. Now let me say one thing, I literally do not look like myself in my picture. It is probably the worst photo ever taken of me, but whatever it is what it is I guess. So anyways, an RA led me to my room where all of my stuff was waiting for me and I was greeted by my awesome roommate Elizabeth and her family. They're literally some of the nicest people I've ever met. After the introductions and me realizing Wright Hall Room 304 is my new home for the next 9 months, my family and I unpacked everything and made my room look awesome! Oh and another awesome thing happened. So I wanted to loft my bed (raise it higher, particularly so my desk can fit under it) and these three guys walk into the room and they're like "we can do it for you." So they did. And it was awesome and they were super nice and it just made me feel proud to be going to such an awesome school. 
But as I type this, I am staring at roughly 50ish pictures hanging on my wall of all my friends and family. One of my favorites is the "Savers group photo." Looking at all the smiling, happy faces makes me miss work like a 1000x more. Then there's all my FGL pictures and I smile because I just love Tyler and BK, plus I get excited because they went and met at Belmont and it's just cool! I also love my pictures with my journalism team at good ole WEGO. It makes me think of all the good times we had in that class. Oh and then there's my JJ Watt picture I received from my cousin Melissa,and oh it is glorious to look at. I could stare at JJ and some of Houston's finest SWATT team members all day long! Overall I just love my pictures. They bring good memories to me and make me smile and realize that I'm never alone. 
I'm going to sign off now. I need to squeeze in a quick nap before I go party with my fellow Wright neighbors! 

The Road to Nashville

Growing up I was not a country music fan. And when I say that, I mean I use to hate country with a passion. Every time I would get in the car with my grandparents or Kelley, US99.5 was on playing the latest hit over and over again. Then after awhile it started to grow on me like moss on a tree, slowly I started to enjoy what I was hearing. But then in 2006, the movie Cars came out and a popular country song was sung in it. Maybe you've heard of it, Life is a Highway. The famous trio Rascal Flatts sung it and made it popular again. I instantly fell in love with Gary's harmonious voice and the trio's infectious, likable personalities. These guys tell it the way it is, and are true country men. But most importantly they owe their success to their fans and Jesus Christ. These guys are so humble and give back to the community, it amazes me. I not only fell in love with their music, but pretty much the guys themselves. 
I couldn't get enough of their music at the time, and literally downloaded every one of their albums at the time on my iPod. To this day I am still in love with them. They put on one hell of a concert and get better every year. The last three times I've seen them, they interact with fans in between songs and are just fun to watch. And after watching their movie, Changed, I fell more in love. These guys are the real deal and it's just pure awesomeness. I'm truly glad I found them. 
Although I love Rascal Flatts with all my heart, Billy Currington is the one country artist who will forever hold my heart. When I first became intrigued with the world of country music, there was one song that I couldn't get out of my head. I Got a Feelin' played on my pandora station and I instantly fell in love. The deep, country-twang that is Billy's voice is heavenly. It's as if an angel came down and personally gave Billy his voice. After hearing this song, I needed to get my hands on more of his music. I bought his album, Billy Currington ICON, for that one song and automatically fell in love with each and every song. Ever since then I've fallen hard for the man. I was lucky enough to meet him last summer and let me tell ya, I've never been more excited in my life. That's a moment that will stay with me forever. 
The road to Nashville has been a long one. If someone told me 10 years ago that I would be going away to school in Nashville, I would've laughed. It wouldn't have seemed possible, but now here I am almost to Kentucky, on my way to Music City. And I couldn't be happier to move to a town filled with county music singers such as my Flatts & Billy. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Goodbyes Aren't Easy

As I try & comprehend the fact that I only have two days left here in Illinois, I realize that I have said goodbye to many friends and family members who are so dear to me. This past week has been filled with a goodbye here, there, and everywhere. Lemme tell ya, it starts to get to you. I've become mentally drained after saying goodbye so many times to so many people that I love. I never realized how hard this process would be. I assumed that I would tell my friends and family goodbye, hug them, and move onto the next goodbye. But no. That's not how it's played out. 
About two weeks ago I had my final day at Savers (where I work). I've been there almost two years in October. In these past 21 months, I've met some of the greatest people ever. I've had some cool managers and some not-so-cool managers, but I won't name who. In January I started working "full-time" again in the back aka production. And let me tell you, the people who are currently working in the back are the most awesome people I have ever worked with back there. They're caring, hysterical, sometimes loud & crazy, but overall they're my friends, not just co-workers. The support and encouragement I've gotten from them is outstanding. They're all so excited for me to be going to college. Heck they threw me a going-away potluck on my last day. My point is I didn't think it would be hard for me to say goodbye when I first started full-time again in June. But boy was I wrong. I realized that these guys are like my second family. I spent 40 hours a week with them, for almost two months and then I've known some of them since the very beginning. It was hard for me to say goodbye, I didn't do a lot of crying at Savers, but the moment I got in my car the tears came pouring down. 
I've been back a few times, the most recent was today actually. But it hasn't gotten any easier. Some of my best friends I met at Savers, and I'm leaving them behind. I know that with technology I can stay in touch with a click of a button, but it won'e be the same. If any of my Savers family is reading this blog, I want to thank you. Thank you for supporting me and being the greatest co-workers/friends a girl could ask for. I can't wait to come home on breaks and work with you guys again!
So that's the story with my Savers family. Now you may be asking yourself, what about saying goodbye to my actual family? Well that was just as hard. My parents threw me a going away party on Sunday so I could say goodbye to my cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. It was fun as always because we got loud, a little rowdy, and overall just had fun. But it was hard because I am close with my cousins and I'll miss the sleepovers and shopping excursions and the fighting between us. I'll also miss those motorcycle rides my uncle takes me on. But it was really hard to say goodbye to my grandparents. I saw them again this week to say a "final" goodbye and I didn't think it'd be that rough, but oh it was. For those of you that know, I was born the day before my grandma Barb (my mom's mom) and I'm her firstborn, so we're extremely close and share a special bond. We're also some of the biggest White Sox fans you'll meet, so I'll definitely miss going to games with her. And my grandpa Wally and I have always been close so it was hard. But what was really rough was seeing them both crying on their front porch waving goodbye as I drove away. That's an image that will stay with me for awhile. It was also rough saying goodbye to my grandma Faye. For those of you who know, my grandpa Len passed away in December so my grandma moved 5 minutes away from my family so she could be closer. We've had some fun in the past 4 months that she's been at Windsor Park and now I'm leaving and well it sucks. 
I'm just waiting for Sunday afternoon at 1 PM when my mom, dad, and Kyle have to say goodbye. There will be plenty of tears, trust me. I'm the first to leave for college, and I'm going 500 miles away from home. But my parents know that I'll make smart choices and I'll make them even prouder than what they already are. 
But what I want everyone to know is that I will miss each and everyone of you. I also want you to know that I will make you all proud that you know me and have some sort of an influence in my life. 
There's a quote from Peter Pan that says, "Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." 
So it's not goodbye, but I'll see ya later. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Final Countdown

"Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through, and start a new chapter in my life."
Well it's that time friends, family, loved ones. After counting down since day 300, I have only four days left in Illinois. Four days left until I began the next chapter of my life in the wonderful Music City. Only four days left in the one state that I have called home for the past 18 1/2 years. I find it funny that I have always hated Illinois and couldn't wait for the day that I could leave, and now with that day slowly approaching, I find myself getting nervous. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited as heck to be moving to a new city, but with that comes leaving 18 1/2 years of memories and family and friends and so many other awesome people that I have met. And I realize that I'll make more memories and friends in Nashville, but you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Cliche, I know. But I never knew how important certain people would be in my life, like the obvious: my parents, brother, grandparents, friends, co-workers, etc. But there's another person who was important to me, especially with my Belmont interest.
My manager Kate was the first manager I had, she was also the only other person at Savers who loved country music. That was one of the many things we bonded over. But I'll get to the point. During my college search, specifically after I saw Vandy, I discovered Belmont. It was a private, Christian college located in the heart of Nashville. What more could a girl ask for? Well I just knew that I needed to visit the campus. Low and behold there was a special day for students, and it lined up perfectly with my Spring Break. The only problem was, I had to work. And if you knew anything about Savers and their ideas for work schedules, well you would understand how I felt when I realized it was too late for me to request off.  I needed somebody to cover my shifts. But what teenager wants to cover a Friday and Saturday closing shift? No one, that's who. So I mustered up the courage to ask a manager to help me out, and thankfully that night it was Kate. I marched straight to the office and simply told her my dilemma and that I really wanted to visit the campus. Without blinking an eye, she said no problem and that she would have someone cover my shifts. That was that, no issues, no begging, or tears. When I came back from my visit, she was super excited to hear how it went and if I liked the school or not. The rest of the time she was at our store, she was intrigued with my college searches and applications and was always there to offer support if I needed it. 
You may be asking yourself why I told you guys this story. Well because on July 9th, I learned that life is short, too short. Kate was found dead and later on they discovered her husband murdered her. His trial has yet to begin. I'm not telling you this for extra sympathy or anything like that, but that there are people out there who are put in your life and sometimes you don't know why, but it turns out for the better. Had Kate not approved my request off work, I may have not had the chance to look at Belmont and fall in love with it. I could have looked at other colleges and chose to go elsewhere, but I did get that chance to check out Belmont and fall in love with it. 
Now I know that Kate obviously wasn't the only person who helped me get to Belmont. But that simple request and even simpler "yes" has been on my mind lately as I prepare to leave. I keep replaying that scene in my head over and over again, and truthfully I don't know why. There have been countless people who have played a role in my soon-to-be college journey, but that one moment has stuck with me. I guess I shared this tonight because I just heard about the death of Robin Williams. A man who brought laughter and smiles to so many, but was silently struggling. Kate was like that, minus the struggling. She brought so much laughter and smiles with her, wherever she went. 
That's just one memory that I have to reflect on when I leave. The awesome friends I have accumulated over the years. There are thousands, possibly even millions more, and I will probably share more tomorrow, memories that is. :)
But as I sign off for the night, I want you all to think about and cherish the loved ones you have in your life right now because they could not be there one day. 

New Blog, New Life Chapter

Hey y'all!
I know many of you i.e. friends, family, loved ones, etc. have asked me to keep you updated on my new adventures at Belmont. And while I do truly appreciate all the love and support from everyone, I discovered that it will be difficult for me to update everybody by phone, email, etc. So I decided to create this blog. I will be updating it at least once a week, maybe even more depending on time to keep everyone up to date on everything. This way everyone knows everything that is happening and I don't leave anything/anyone out. I will obviously still email, write, text, & call back if you contact me;  but I figured it'd be easier to create a blog so everyone can be posted on what I am doing. I believe that y'all can comment on my posts as well, and I will read all of those and respond. But I assume it will be very difficult for me to try and contact everyone whether by phone, email, or a letter. I will also still be on Facebook and probably be updating that like crazy!
Don't get me wrong, like I said I'll respond to any forms of communication, but I figured this would be a fun, easy way for me to get everything out there. Plus time will probably of the essence, and for those of you who have been to Nashville, you know that it's a fun, amazing place and I will probably spend a lot of my free time downtown or trying to find country singers.
I sincerely hope y'all enjoy my blog and keep in touch with me! If you would like my new address as well just shoot me a message on Facebook or email me at!
I look forward to keeping you all posted on the new chapter of my life! :)