Monday, August 25, 2014

First Days of College= Complete!

As y'all can tell by the title, I survived my first days of college classes! I mentioned in my previous post that my classes started on Wednesday the 20th, and they were awesome! Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays are my easiest days since I only have two classes! Tuesdays and Thursdays get the bulk with three classes. But really my classes aren't bad at all, I love them! For those of who who've asked these are the classes I am taking:
1. First Year Writing (basic GenEd class)
2. First Year Seminar on the Holocaust (another GenEd class) 
3. Foundations to Journalism
4. Intro to Audio and Video Production
5. Mass Media & Society- fun fact there's like 6 kids from Illinois in this class
My favorite class is probably going to be FYS. The course is on the Holocaust and how people try to deny it and we'll look at evidence and sources proving that you cannot deny the Holocaust. It should be a wild ride! For those of you who know me, you know that I love history so I'm super stoked for this class! 
But oddly enough I enjoy going to class. College is just so different than high school. The professors are laid back and tell it like it is. Granted I did have some pretty kick-ass teachers in high school, but it's college! So my classes have been going well, my professors are amazing, and so far I'm enjoying this. I probably should have written this post last week when I actually remembered everything that happened, but it's amazing how tired one can get in college. I think it's this heat that's going to kill me. Either that or walking everywhere in 98 Degree weather. And yes that was a 90s boy-band reference in case you were wondering. But seriously college is an amazing place. 
This weekend I also experienced what is known as the Nashville MTA (their bus service). So it's free with my student ID which is like a God-send because let me tell ya, not having a car sucks and being a broke college student sucks even more. So anyways I rode the bus for the first time all by myself on Saturday when I went to get my new MacBook Air, which by the way is amazing in itself but anyhow, I met the coolest bus driver. This guy is super nice and helped me get where I needed to be and what not. Yesterday I needed to go to WalMart so I figured out which buses I need to take and times and everything. Long story short, bus 17 never showed so I walked like half a mile in 90 degree weather to bus 21's stop. So luck be told, I get the same driver. He walks me through what I need to do and I get to the stop where I need to transfer. 
So this stop is kinda sketchy. It's at this weird intersection right outside of the city and it was just creepy. The bus was supposed to get there 3 minutes after I did. And did the bus come? No. I literally sat there for almost an hour before I got on bus 21. And thank God it was my new friend. I told him the other bus never came, no buses did as a matter of fact. He said he'd take care of it and was super nice about it. 
I finally got back to my dorm after 2 hours of wasting my life away and took a nap. It felt refreshing. 
Moral of this post: college is awesome, I made a new friend (well actually a few, but the bus driver is probably the funnier one:) ), and never trust public transportation. 


  1. Sounds like life to me! Lol.... Btw: you were my awesome bus driver :)

  2. lol i miss driving you around in the Jeep!!! :)
