Friday, September 19, 2014

Good Vibes Needed

One of my favorites actors, Jim Beaver wrote a memoir, Life's That Way. If you ever get the chance, go to the library or buy it from Amazon, but read it. It's such a good book. I literally read it in two days and bawled my eyes out, imagining the pain he was feeling. I won't give much away but his wife gets cancer and the book chronicles her journey with it and how it affects the family and what not. But Jim wrote it using all the emails he sent to friends and family and it's just amazing. At the end of the emails he would always put something along the lines of asking people to pray for them and if you weren't religious he would ask you to hum or whatever you preferred. I thought that was pretty clever the way in which he'd ask. 
So tonight I am asking all of you: friends, family, strangers who stumbled upon my blog, to please pray or hum for me, whichever you prefer. I haven't asked much from y'all the past month I've been down here, but tonight I could use some good vibes. 
This past week has been pretty stressful to say the least. I finally got to see the real side of college. In short, I have three papers due next week, I need to read an entire book by September 30, I have a test next Thursday, and overall I have a ton of homework that needs to get done. Needless to say, I have been super stressed this week on top of being sick. Last weekend I started to not feel well, so my mom being super awesome found this program down here where a mom from Belmont will bring your child chicken noodle soup, crackers, cough drops, Kleenex, & some other stuff when they're sick. There's also a note written by your mom stuck in there. It really made my night. And I knew my mom wanted to help since she feels terrible that I've been sick and away from home. But wait the fun doesn't end there! 
Probably Monday or Tuesday night I started to feel nauseous. And that nausea has lasted literally all week. Last night was so bad that I ate an apple (my RA Michaela said they help) and sat outside my room for like 45 minutes because I didn't want to wake Elizabeth (my roommate for those of you who don't know). Needless to say I did not get a lot of sleep last night. I missed my 9 am class this morning because I was too exhausted to function and still felt sick. I went to health services to try and figure out what's wrong with me. Apparently nothing. It just may be a bug. But the nurse practitioner, whose super nice by the way was like well since you have some pain it may be subtle symptoms of appendicitis. So I was like no that can't happen. I really didn't want to have to call my mom and be like "oh yeah everything went great until she said I may have appendicitis." But she just said to watch my pain level (which is gone now) and if it gets worse to someone take me to Vanderbilt's hospital. 
After I was done, I of course had to call my mom to tell her I was essentially fine for the moment. She actually handled that phone call pretty well. We then decided later that I can't have it after trying some exercise thing her co-worker suggested. 
But I still have nausea and feel pretty crappy. I'm assuming it's from stress and what not since I'm so overwhelmed right now. But praise the Lord it's the weekend and I can do homework pretty much every day. 
Oh so then I came back to my room after my last class to grab my wallet so I could go to Kroger and get some soup since it's on sale. So I walk into my room and Elizabeth, her mom, and grandma are all in there and her mom Teresa hugged me and was super sweet about me not feeling well, she then tells me that she brought me a goodie bag with stuff in it. She brought me chicken noodle soup, Kleenex, cough drops, the most warmest socks ever, a protein drink, saltine crackers, Purell, & white chocolate M&Ms. Needless to say I was so appreciative and realized I have an awesome roommate who has an awesome family. Let me tell ya it really means a lot to me that she brought me all this. I still ran to Kroger to get some more soup since that's probably all I'll be eating for the next few days and got some orange juice and a caramel apple because it was on sale and why not? I then came back to my dorm room and ate some soup and have been watching Netflix ever since. But I figured I'd update y'all and ask for prayers/hums/whatever floats your boat, for me to get better and for my stress level to go wayyyyy down. Also pray that I survive since Texas Tech's bye week is this weekend...(;
And a reminder, I'll be home 3 weeks from today :)

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