Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Total Blonde Moment

It's been awhile since I've posted guys, and I'd like to say it's because I've been busy doing homework (which is true) but I got obsessed with a TV show on Netflix and I watched it non-stop. But now it's over and I feel like there's no point in life anymore. Just kidding, but seriously it sucks when you're all caught up in Netflix and there's no way to start the next season without buying it for an absurd amount of money on Amazon. Anyways that's not the purpose of this post.
When I got to Belmont, I discovered they have this awesome feature. They partnered with Enterprise Car Rental to provide students the option to have a membership and basically rent a car when they need to. So I joined because let me tell ya, it sucks not having a car to take you where ever you want to go. I just received my membership card this weekend to start renting. I need the card because I have to hold it over this gray box that lets me into the car to get to the keys in the glovebox. So yesterday I needed to get the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook for my foundations of journalism class. Now this book is like the Bible to journalists, literally it gives you everything you need to know on how to be correct in your articles, stories, etc. It's amazing and the hardest concept all at the same time. Anyhow so I needed to get it pronto, but I didn't feel like spending an arm and a leg at the Barnes and Noble at Vanderbilt. They'd probably charge me an arm, and two legs just because they think they can. So my professor, who is freaking awesome by the way, told me to check out McKay's which is a used book store. It's so much more than that but I'll get to that, first my blonde moment of the year. 
I set up a reservation to drive the Mini Cooper(yeek!!!) from like 1-2:30. I get down to it at 12:59 and scan my card and get into the car. I grab the keys out of the glovebox and put it in the ignition. I don't know how many of you are familiar with a MiniCooper, but the key goes in, it's not a normal key, ir's more of a circle thing that goes in and then there's a start button. So I put the key in and hit start. The car starts, I put it into reverse, & try to drive. But it won't drive. It'll only go on reverse. So I start to panic and immediately think I broke it. So I put it in park and call Enterprise and inform the lady on the other end what's happening. She tells me she's going to run a report and figure out what's wrong. I then realize the car never even started and it won't start so she goes to find out what's happening. Long story short, I'm on the phone with her for like 25 minutes, during which I'm reading the owners manual trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I then realize that's there's an automatic or manual start. I follow the directions and out the car in neutral and hit start and BAM it starts and will drive! So naturally I freak out and students walking by probably think I'm having a seizure or something to that effect. The lady gets on the phone and I tell her the good news and she's nice enough to extend my reservation until 3! Finally I drive off in search of this book. 
For those of you who haven't experienced the feeling of not driving for awhile and then driving again, it feel so freakin' liberating. Let me tell you, driving around Nashville and down the freeway with the windows down and country music blasting, I felt like a million bucks! It was just such an awesome feeling to drive again! I finally get to McKays, and holy crap is it like my Heaven. This place is like a warehouse of used books, that are cheap!!! I walk in and just see books for what seemed like miles. An associate told me where I could look to find the book, I get over there, and whaddya know, there is none. So I decide to drive down the street to Goodwill to get khakis for work. Oh yeah I've never mentioned that I got a job in the athletic department. It's mainly sitting at the front desk being a receptionist i.e. answering the phone, telling people where to go, filing, doing stuff for coaches, etc. It's pretty chill. But I need khakis for when I work games, and low and behold I don't own a single pair. So I drive on down and discover the internet has lied to me. Shocking I know. But it's not a Goodwill store, just an "express donation center." Like what kind of crap is that? This is why I only shop at Savers, but then again I'm biased. So I'm just like screw it and decide that I'll go to Kroger by Belmont to get milk. On my way back I discover there's a Sonic and well I have to stop and get a cherry limeade because they're like the best thing ever. So I get my drink & hop back on the freeway and head to Kroger. I get there, get my milk, almost get hit by an oldish woman driving in the parking lot, and head back to campus. I get back and hold my card over the gray box again to lock it and end my reservation. As I'm doing this a girl walks by and is like do you need help? I'm like a pro at the Cooper. In my mind I was thinking where was she 2 hours ago when I really needed help, but I said no and carried on with my exciting life. So that was my blonde moment. I'm not really sure that counts as a blonde moment, but like I care. Moral of this, not all cars operate the same way, don't trust the internet, and driving can liberate you. 
Not much has happened today. I realized I did some of my homework wrong for my First Year Writing class, which I need to correct for Friday. I paper-clipped papers for a coach that were asking people for money, shocking I know, a school that charges $40,000 a year is asking parents, friends, and family members to donate money to a certain sport that will go in their "restricted" account, whatever that entails. I shouldn't be so hasty, maybe tuition funds don't go to sports, I'd hope not, but y'all get my point. Literally not much else happened. I've been slaving away doing homework all night so I'm going to sign off and catch some zzzzz's as tomorrow shall be a long day! 

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